Coming Up for Air

Posted on Mar 7, 2018 in Design/Publishing/Trends

Coming Up for Air

You might have noticed our last blog post was in September 2017—yes, we have been a bit busy! The blog has been simmering away on the back burner while we have been attending to new clients in the New Year. 2018 is off to a great—albeit hectic—start with five publications (one monthly, two bimonthly, and two quarterly) as well as collateral for annual client events.

But, we are coming up for air! We have brought in a talented professional contractor to help us provide full-service publishing and keep our sanity all at the same time.

Our team is working with each client to refine everything from scheduling to editing and proofing. We have introduced new, efficient proofing processes, which create collaborative editing with our clients and their internal teams.

As we continue to learn and grow, we want to hear from you! How do you create greater efficiencies? What software, apps, or media are you lost without? We’re interested in your latest, greatest timesaving ideas. How do work with your teams in different locals? What technology helps you work together across miles, platforms and industries?

We’re looking forward to a productive and exciting 2018! And we’re off to meet another deadline…