Rebranding: Do No Harm

Posted on Jul 5, 2019 in Design/Publishing/Trends

Rebranding: Do No Harm

As a designer, I admit I can get restless with an old design. There are times you want to see change because maybe you’re bored or even a bit fickle when it comes to your branding. I totally get it. There are days I think, “Boy, I would love to get in there and redesign our Monarch logo.” I was younger when I designed it and maybe I could improve upon it now that I’m more experienced and the business is older with certain goals achieved and new goals set.”

But, I hesitate. It’s good to know why you’re doing something. Why would I rebrand when business is bustling and our market is gaining greater awareness of our services and abilities? Today, I stumbled upon an article in “5 Deadly Sins of Poor Rebranding” by Ramon Ray. I love a good list of what not to do. I think they are more helpful than lists of what to do! Ray says, “It turns out, branding, just like surgery, is driven by a single rule: Do no harm. When it comes to creating or changing a company face, you better think twice.” Change for the sake of change is often unwise. I especially like his checklist– a great exercise before you incur the investment in rebranding.

I personally think, like many things in life, you know when it’s the right time. There is a trigger. A change that precipitates the need for additional change. And when I get restless, I’ll go back to this list! In the meantime, do no harm.

Andrea Exter, CEO and cofounder of Monarch Media