Posted on Jul 3, 2013 in Marketing/Sales/Advertising
None of us like to admit that we are in sales, but as a small business owner we are always on the lookout for another great client or another advertiser for a current client. Very rarely will the perfect client or advertiser walk in your door with a checkbook in one hand and a long-term relationship in the other…am I right?
Since we all have to go through the challenges that come along with finding clients, we all go through trying to close the deal as well. Some deals end well, some fall apart in the middle, and some become almost unrecognizable through this process. CNN Money ran an article titled “5 Ways to Close Big Deals Now” and it was a nice refresher on how to take a potential client or advertiser to a sold status. They also have a few new twists to consider as well. For instance, they suggest doing a little research ahead of time so you can relate your pitch to something that will genuinely help the decision makers. It takes the “this is what I do, do you need my services” and changes it to “you need help with xyz and this is how I can help you with that.” Reminders like this keep us selling and moving forward towards our next goal!
— Chellie Thompson, Cofounder, Monarch Media & Consulting, Inc.