Posted on Mar 19, 2014 in Design/Publishing/Trends, Marketing/Sales/Advertising
Do I need a digital offering for my publication? We get this question when talking with our association clients, and I happened upon a good pros and cons list on OmniPress. Daniel de la Cruz sums it up nicely.
The most basic explanation to this question is this: Readers consume information differently, so having multiple options will reach across preferences, demographics and generations. Some information is better suited for print and other for digital, but have a nice mix of both. How do you determine which data is better received in print versus digital? Survey! As de la Cruz says, “Use surveys to gain understanding of how your membership prefers to consume content.” Such a simple concept. With ample online survey resources, this should be a fairly painless process, but a very beneficial one! Do you currently survey your readers? What have been some interesting survey results?
— Chellie Thompson, Cofounder, Monarch Media & Consulting, Inc.